GF112B Single Phase kWh Meter Calibrator is suitable to test various types single phase kWh meters error on site and also can be used to test alternating current parameters - U, I, P, Q, S ,F, E etc....GFBSinglePhasekWhMeterCalibratorissuitabletotestvarioustypessinglephasekWhmeters
GF112 handheld single phase watt-hour meter tester is with human oriented design, hand-held and lightweight. It is suit for electric power departments, measuring and quality examining departments and ...GFhandheldsinglephasewatthourmetertesteriswithhumanorienteddesignhandheldand
GF112D is a single-phase handheld electronic meter test unit in accuracy class 0.1or 0.2, used for testing single phase electricity meters error on site. Wide measurement range from 1mA to 120A and 0 ...GFDisasinglephasehandheldelectronicmetertestunitinaccuracyclassorusedfor
GF312B2 portable three phase reference meter high accuracy 0.02%, with all kinds of optional clamp on ct and smart optical sampler. It can be applied in electrical laboratory or on site. it will be en...GFBportablethreephasereferencemeterhighaccuracywithallkindsofoptionalclamp
GF312B portable three phase energy meter calibrator with printer is used to calibrate three phase, single phase, active and reactive energy meters error. And it also can be used as voltage, current an...GFBportablethreephaseenergymetercalibratorwithprinterisusedtocalibratethreephase
The instrument GF312D1 is a precision 0.05% AC energy meter testing instrument, mainly used to test three phase energy meter error on site, measure all various of AC parameters and CT ratio & phase er...TheinstrumentGFDisaprecisionACenergymetertestinginstrumentmainlyusedtotest
GF312V2 portable three phase multifunction watt-hour meter calibrator on-site is the newest product produced by our company by widely visiting users and referring to the advantages of the same kind of...GFVportablethreephasemultifunctionwatthourmetercalibratoronsiteisthenewestproduct
The GF6019D high precision DC energy meter test equipment consists of an DC voltage standard source, DC current standard source and DC power source. (up to 1150V/600A) and built-in DC electronic refer...TheGFDhighprecisionDCenergymetertestequipmentconsistsofanDCvoltagestandard
GF102 series portable single phase energy meter test bench used to test 1pc or 3pcs single phase energy meter or AC meter at same time. Adopt mature signal synthetic and power amplifier technology, hi...GFseriesportablesinglephaseenergymetertestbenchusedtotestpcorpcssinglephase
GF1021 single phase portable energy meter test system used to test single phase energy meter error. Adopt mature signal synthetic and power amplifier technology, high precision voltage source and curr...GFsinglephaseportableenergymetertestsystemusedtotestsinglephaseenergymetererror
The GF302D3 portable three phase energy meter test bench consists of an integrated three phase 120A current source and 600V voltage source and a class 0.02 three phase electronic reference standard me...TheGFDportablethreephaseenergymetertestbenchconsistsofanintegratedthreephaseA
The GF302D portable meter test equipment is used for grid corporation of measurement and energy test center, management department of power supply bureau, national energy measurement of testing author...TheGFDportablemetertestequipmentisusedforgridcorporationofmeasurementandenergy
Experience the benefits of copper water bottle from Ecozone Lifestyle. Made from high-quality copper, our bottle keeps your water fresh and pure with its natural anti-bacterial properties. Not only is...ExperiencethebenefitsofcopperwaterbottlefromEcozoneLifestyleMadefromhighquality
Kitchen fitter in Hounslow by Bajwa Renovation, UK's trusted company working since 2002. We are a team of highly skilled and proffessionals who are passionate about each and every project. If you are ...KitchenfitterinHounslowbyBajwaRenovationUKstrustedcompanyworkingsinceWearea
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