Ganesh Chaturthi, Diwali, RakshaBandhan are one of the biggest dates in the festival calendar of every religious Hindu. There are a number of places around the World, where the migrated Indian communities gather together to celebrate these Festivals. Basically they receive Parcels like Gifts on various occasions, Diwali Faral, Goods like Makhar, Lante , Ganpati idols from their loved ones residing in India.
As being one of the Best inte ational courier service in Pune and India, Unique Air Express has always been the most favorite choice to Send Courier to USA,UK, Canada , Asia, Africa, Far East.
We had a number of enquiries last year during the Ganesh Chaturthi and Diwali Season about what we can and we can’t send through Inte ational Courier service. People were asking Is it possible Courier Faral to UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, USA and abroad?
Applying our last 16 years Experience of Diwali Sweets to send Worldwide &
Understanding the basic nature of the Queries people had about the Inte ational Courier services, we have made more than a attempt to answer all these basic Questions.Unique Air Express provides special Discounts for the Festivals like Diwali, Padava, and RakshaBandhan Akshaya Tritiya etc. We got a tremendous response for this Year’s Mango season as well.
You can surely add more values to your Festival celebrations, Birthdays and Anniversaries by sending a token of love to your dear ones at any Time of the Year.Every celebration in India starts with Homemade sweets and ends with happy faces in the family. Every Indian festival is linked with some special Sweet like coconut barfi for RakshaBandhan, Diwali faral, ladoos, mal pua, sandesh, ras gulla, ghevar, gulab jamoon and what not.
Some items like oil, ghee, fire crackers, any flammable product, gold and silver o aments, highly expensive products, soft toys and other products which are not allowed by Indian customs and the custom authority of that specific country.
Each country maintains its own list of prohibited and restricted items. First of all these restrictions are imposed due to the security reasons.
In general, Medicines, cosmetics, perishable foods, animal products (including feathers), wooden objects and plants are either classed restricted or prohibited. Restricted items can still be sent, but may require your receiver to obtain a permit or import license in advance for customs clearance.
For assistance, please contact our customer service.